Technology and Market Assessment of Zero-Emission Off-Road Equipment
White Papers

Technology and Market Assessment of Zero-Emission Off-Road Equipment

Technology and Market Assessment of Zero-Emission Off-Road Equipment

Thursday, March 17, 2022 / CARB & CALSTART

Following advancements made with zero-emission (ZE) on-road vehicles, electrification is progressing rapidly across the many segments in the off-road equipment category. This report provides a comprehensive survey of the technological status and market readiness of ZE off-road equipment. It includes in-depth analyses of various off-road markets, assessing their technological strengths and identifying areas for further market development in order to more rapidly electrify this equipment to meet climate and air quality goals. This report will be updated on a periodic basis in support of the publication of the California Air Resources Board’s Appendix D: Long-Term Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy.